

Position management at Smith is a process by which college leadership monitors FTE growth and headcounts, ensuring the workforce is appropriately balanced and focused on achieving the mission and strategy of the college. The college has implemented a systematic approach to position management requests allowing for consistent, 对如何识别请求作出公平公正的回应, 评估, 和批准. 所有职位每月由人力资源和预算办公室审核. 请与您的人力资源合作伙伴讨论您的员工的具体情况.


The following types of position-related activities go through the position management process:

  • 取代现有职位*
  • 招聘新的固定期限职位*
  • 雇用一个由中央资助的临时职位或拨款资助的职位
  • Extending an existing fixed-term position or expanding hours for an existing position

*招聘新职位或修改现有职位超过25%, 你的人力资源合作伙伴将与Total Rewards团队合作完成一份工作评估.

  • 请允许长达两周的分析来完成.
  • 如果对现有角色没有或只有很小的更改(小于25%), Total Rewards团队的工作评估是不需要的.


The position management process begins when an existing position becomes vacant or a new fixed-term position is created. As roles open, managers should assess whether roles can be refined, consolidated, etc. 请与您的人力资源合作伙伴讨论您的员工的具体情况. Any changes to current staffing should go through the process as outlined in the table that follows. All requests for additions to staff need to go through the annual strategic initiatives process.


  1. Review the position request with your respective cabinet member and secure their approval to proceed
  2. 确保职位描述是准确的和最新的
    Note: if this is a new position or if material changes are being made to an existing position that change the role by 25% or more, it must be reviewed by your HR Partner and then the Total Rewards team 之前 to submission. 请允许最多两周的审查. 
  3. 请填写 职位管理Google表单 提交您的请求以获得批准. 
    The 位置管理 Committee generally meets during the first week of every month. 职位管理表应至少提前一周提交. 
  4. 一般在PMC会议后一周左右, 你的招聘专员会通知你这个职位是否被批准了, 以及如何开始招聘过程. 有关招聘流程的问题,请联系您的招聘专员 recruiting-u@emotionsamsara.com.


场景 行动
确保职位描述是最新的. 如果描述有细微的变化, 当你和你的招聘专家或人力资源合作伙伴分享时,请注意这一点.
提议实质性地改变工作.g. changing the essential functions by greater than 25% or change in reporting relationship. 联系您的人力资源合作伙伴进行讨论.
Ensure job description is complete and has been reviewed by your HR partner and Total Rewards 之前 至提交(最多两周时间审核总奖励).
使用此类别可请求延长固定期限角色的计划结束日期. Note that fixed-term positions are not part of the regular budgeted staff of the department.
Submit position management form with justification for extension and information regarding funding.
Submit position management form with justification for change to hours and information regarding funding.
Requests for additions to staff or regularization of fixed-term should go through the strategic initiative process. 请与您的HR伙伴和内阁成员讨论.
增设定期任用人员,部门出资 Departments with funding may request a new fixed-term role through the position management process. Ensure the job description is complete and has been reviewed by your HR partner and Total Rewards 之前 to submission.
增加或扩展拨款资助的角色 Grant-funded roles should go through the position management submission process for approval by the Office of Grants & 赞助研究和你的人力资源合作伙伴.
临时或临时职位 Approval for casual and agency temporary employees should be approved by your cabinet member and HR partner.
如果临时雇员被安排填补空缺职位, 或者休假的员工, 请完成下面所述的适当程序 雇用临时或临时工 (紧接下文)申请中央拨款.




招聘 managers requesting to hire casual or temporary agency workers to provide short-term coverage during an employee’s leave of absence should complete the 申请中央拨款临时工程.  

  • The temporary worker’s responsibilities must fall within the job responsibilities of the employee on leave.
  • 临时工作时间一般不应超过休假时间.
  • 一历年临时工工作时数不得超过910小时.


The HR partner for the area will notify the manager if the temporary work is approved for central funding or if more information is needed before a final decision is granted.

  • Approved casual employee compensation/temporary agency invoices will be charged to central salary for the time period indicated on the form. 
  • Temporary work not approved for central funding will be charged to the department’s operating budget. 
  • The hiring manager should reach out to their HR partner if the employee’s leave of absence is extended.  人力资源合伙人将更新临时工作结束日期并通知预算办公室. 否则, central funding will end as of the date indicated on 申请中央拨款临时工程.


当职位空缺时,招聘经理应该参考 招聘员工的步骤 & 招聘.  


招聘 managers wishing to hire casual or temporary agency workers to provide short-term coverage following an employee termination should discuss their operational workforce needs with their HR partner and complete 申请中央拨款临时工程. The temporary worker’s responsibilities must fall within the job responsibilities of the position.


在审查了 申请中央拨款临时工程, the hiring manager’s HR partner will notify the manager if the temporary work is approved for central funding or reach out with further questions. Approved casual employee compensation/temporary agency invoices will be charged to central salary for the period of time indicated on the form (generally about three months to cover the recruiting process). Temporary work not approved for central funding will be charged to the department’s operating budget. 


空缺职位填补后,临时工作的中央资助将终止. The hiring manager should reach out to their HR partner if it takes longer than 12 weeks to fill the position.


  • 每月工作少于64小时,或
  • 每月工作超过64小时,最多三个月,或
  • 兼职工作超过三个月(少于17个月).每周工作5小时)或全职工作5个月

你得到内阁或高级职员的批准了吗? 你有预算吗? 

  • 如果是,请继续以下步骤
  • 如果没有,在继续进行之前,与内阁或高级职员一起工作获得批准

你有准备录用的候选人吗? 如果是,通过电子邮件进行下一步 hr@emotionsamsara.com 当您准备好被雇用时,请提供以下信息:

  • 工作人员姓名
  • 个人电邮地址
  • 职称
  • 工作简介
  • 每小时工资率
  • 主管名称
  • 从基金/组织/帐户付款
    If this causal role is being hired to cover for a full-time employee who is on an approved leave of absence, or to cover the work of an employee who has exited the job while you recruit for a replacement, 
  • 在一段时间内,你可能有资格获得中央资助. 请参阅 申请中央拨款临时工程
  • 他们目前是否为澳门葡京博彩软件工作(包括临时雇员和退休人员)?

If you do not have a candidate and would like assistance posting the job and recruiting, 请将您的要求通过电子邮件发送给人力资源招聘团队 recruiting-u@emotionsamsara.com.  The recruiting team will then work with you through the process from sourcing through onboarding. 

在人力资源运营团队将你的临时员工设置为Workday之后, 系统将启动招聘流程. 招聘和入职过程中的主要里程碑概述如下:

  • 网络接入建立  员工的Workday账号和Smith的邮箱已经配置好 
  • 一卡通可以在员工第一天工作当天或之后获得. 员工应该发邮件 ithelp@emotionsamsara.com 预约领取一卡通. 一卡办公室位于Seeley Hall B8. 每个人都需要完成I-9就业验证和背景调查. 有些员工还会要求进行Cori检查.

Please note: managers should inform casual employees to check Workday tasks daily to ensure the timely completion of the onboarding process. 如果几天过去了,他们还没有看到“完成I-9”事件, 我们建议他们给人力资源部发邮件或打电话给我们的办公室.