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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Section 102

澳门葡京博彩软件在哲学上和法律上都致力于确保所有大学课程和服务的准入. 学院通过积极的制度规划和消除障碍来追求平等机会的目标, 以及通过为学生提供合理和适当的住宿, 工作人员, 和 faculty with documented disabilities.

Reasonable Accommodations

澳门葡京博彩软件准备修改或调整职位或工作环境,以合理地照顾已知残疾的合格员工,使他们能够履行工作的基本职能, 除非:

  1. The accommodation would impose an undue hardship on business operations, i.e., an accommodation would be unduly costly, 广泛的, 实质性的, 或破坏性, or would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the business, or
  2. Even with a reasonable accommodation, 个人仍然会对他/她自己或他人的健康或安全构成重大伤害的直接威胁.

Determining What Is Reasonable

In determining whether a requested accommodation is reasonable, 学院, specifically Human Resources, 根据需要与无障碍资源中心和员工主管协商, 会否按个别情况考虑该等要求是否可行及有效, 并且不会造成不必要的困难和/或从根本上改变学院业务运作的性质.

Accommodation Request Process:
  1. Meet with your supervisor, Human Resources, the Accessibility Resource Center, or the Associate Dean of 教师 to discuss the disability 和 resulting needs.
  2. 填写“合理住宿自愿请求”表格,并将其提交给人力资源部.
  3. 您的医疗保健提供者是否向人力资源部提交了主治医生的声明. 如果有持续的住宿需求,可能需要额外的文件.
  4. 人力资源部将根据《澳门葡京博彩软件》(ADA)确定是否存在残疾。.
  5. If a disability exists, Human Resources will gather additional information, 根据需要, to determine if the accommodation requested is reasonable.
  6. 人力资源或学院副院长将向您传达调查结果.
  7. If an accommodation is determined reasonable 和 necessary, 人力资源或学院副院长将协助提供所要求的住宿或同等有效的替代方案. 人力资源或学院副院长将与你的主管或主席合作,在适当的时候促进住宿. 合理的安排并不否定良好的工作表现或遵守一般适用的生产力或行为标准的要求.
  8. 如果对所要求的住宿的处理有争议, you may appeal the decision to the Associate VP of Human Resources, the Director of Non-Discrimination Initiatives/第九条 Coordinator, or to the VP of Equity 和 包容.

如果残疾人士没有披露和提供残疾文件和/或没有在足够的时间内提出要求提供住宿,学院将无法提供住宿. Every effort will be made to provide for requests determined reasonable, but an alternative may also be provided.

Disability 和 Accommodation Issues Frequently Asked Questions

What is a workplace accommodation?

A workplace accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment, 或者是一项工作通常的完成方式,使残疾的个人能够达到同样的表现水平,并享受同样的就业福利和特权.

Generally speaking, accommodations are services, 资源, 适应, 以及结构调整,让残疾人士有平等的机会获得正常人可以获得的东西. 总称“住宿”指的是辅助服务(通常用于学生住宿)和就业服务, 资源, 和 适应. 机构有义务为《澳门葡京博彩软件》规定的残疾人士提供住宿和/或辅助帮助. However, the accommodation must be reasonable.

尽管《澳门葡京博彩软件》提供了不同种类的辅助帮助和住宿的例子, 所有住宿都是在检查相关医疗文件或其他适当文件后根据个人情况确定的.

How will my requested workplace accommodation be evaluated?

You may initially meet with your supervisor, Human Resources, 或无障碍资源中心单独讨论您的住宿请求,并获得对流程的解释. 一旦你提交了适当的表格,人力资源部门就会从你的医疗保健专业人员那里收到医疗或心理状况的证明, we will determine whether the condition is a disability under the ADA.

If the condition is protected by the ADA, 然后,人力资源部或无障碍资源中心将确定所要求的工作场所住宿是否合适,以及它是否能有效地帮助您完成基本的工作职能. 主管和部门主席将根据需要参与,以确保实施适当的住宿. Accommodations cannot be provided retroactively.

The full Accommodation Request Process is posted on both the Accessibility Resource CenterHuman Resources 网站.

What happens if I have no medical or other appropriate documentation?

不幸, 对于无法提供必要医疗文件的学生,学院将无法保证为其提供合理的住宿或辅助帮助. Please speak to Human Resources, the Accessibility Resource Center, 或向学院副院长咨询如何获取残疾证明文件.

医生提供的医疗状况证明文件不能自动保证你被ADA覆盖,也不能保证你会得到住宿. 残疾的决定和法律规定的任何合理的便利都由学院做出.

What are my privacy rights regarding my medical information?

Disability-related information, including medical documentation, 是否被视为机密并限制访问以保护员工的隐私. 工作场所住宿要求和相关文件将与你的个人档案分开保存在一个机密文件中.