

The 设计思维倡议’s mission is to empower the communities we belong to with design methodologies and opportunities for hands-on making that lead to responsible innovation.



提供最低的进入门槛, 使设计实践民主化, and demystifying processes so that everyone might consider themselves a maker/designer.



Engaging those most impacted by a design in the process of design in order to break down systems of inequity and emphasizing the value in the messy process of figuring stuff out.



Introducing people to materials and methods for hands-on making as an act of building, 难以忘怀, 照顾好我们有形的共同经历.



Recognizing all that we do is connected to larger systems and structures and intentionally engaging people with diverse perspectives and experiences to co-create with.



Considering the full lifecycle and impact of the products and materials we use as an act of creating a more reciprocal and sustainable relationship with our environment.


Design Methodologies and Opportunities for 亲自动手的 Making

澳门葡京博彩软件 has a long history of educating women for social change. 我们认为这需要负责任的创新, a process that promotes creativity and ethical considerations of the social, 经济, and environmental impacts of bringing new ideas to fruition. 在设计思维的主动性,我们是由指导 设计正义 原则,实践 以人为中心的设计,并参与 跨学科制造.  


This is a commitment to give those most affected by a challenge agency in the process of designing solutions. It is a centering of the voices too often excluded, silenced or forgotten. It is a practice of examining underlying assumptions and highlighting inequitable conditions. It is a means of making alternate futures tangible and testing new ways of operating in this world. This is a 难以忘怀 of design as a liberatory means to sustain, heal, and empower communities. 这是一种协作, cognitive and compassionate capacity for sharing knowledge, 承认什么是有效的, 并允许改变在这个过程中出现.


Making is a form of learning through experimentation – where students navigate constraints, 遇到限制, 被迫跳出二元思维, 把大脑转化为有形的东西, 克服不可避免的失败, 从错误中吸取教训, and discover a unique sense of 自我-efficacy that comes with having materialized a vision. Making allows students to contextualize learning through, 和之间的, disciplinary practices and fields of knowledge within the liberal arts. At Smith we question what kinds of making are, and have been, valued by whom and why. 


The 设计思维倡议 began as a pilot program launched in 2015 by a group of faculty from across disciplines to incorporate design methods, mindsets and practices into interdisciplinary work across new and existing classes, and to support student- and faculty-led design projects.




Emily is fascinated by the ways we design our worlds and how those designs in turn design us. She is committed to designing towards justice and resilience. Emily's own design education led her to a career spanning international residencies, 湿地保护研究, teaching social innovation and leading cultural change campaigns in communities, 组织机构. She believes in the power of thinking through making as a means of bridging divides and feeling into the future. 艾米丽的成绩是B.F.罗得岛设计学院的文学硕士和罗德岛设计学院的文学硕士.Des. 来自埃因霍温设计学院. 在艾米丽的办公时间用Calendly和她见面.




凯西郭持有B.F.A from the Maryland Institute College of Art and has always been making. 她的艺术实践结合了纤维, 雕塑, 插图, 数字工具, 玩, and empathy to investigate the complexities of human relationships: In culture, 家庭, 社区, 自我, 在彼此之间. They are dedicated to always learning, connecting, feeling, critiquing, and empowering. 在设计思维倡议, Kathy is passionate about creating an encouraging environment where hands on making and using technology are accessible to all. 通过Calendly与Kathy见面.




Jennifer于2018年8月加入澳门葡京博彩软件. She is the administrative assistant at the Conway Center and 设计思维计划. Jennifer is the primary contact for external offices and students, and has been a member of the 行政助理 Leadership Team (AALT) since November 2019. Jennifer has a master’s in education in athletic administration from Springfield College and a bachelor’s degree in Communication and English from Cedar Crest College.




阿历克斯嘉宝 is a design researcher who designs for alternative politics, collaboratively creating things to imagine worlds without capitalism and without policing. She also works as a 以人为中心的设计er and loves to plan interviews and co-creative activities to reflect on the needs of those who are impacted by designed programs, 服务, 或产品. 阿历克斯的名字是B.S. in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University and an M.F.A. in Transdisciplinary Design from Parsons School of Design. 她还曾在华盛顿大学任教. 路易斯和帕森斯.


综合学习 brings together multiple units at 澳门葡京博彩软件 who share a mission to develop agency in Smith students and help them transform that agency into informed, purposeful action via the integration of their curricular and co-curricular experiences. This work is supported by a broader culture of curiosity, 谦逊和反思, 我们想在大学里培养什么. The current partners of the 综合学习 team are the Conway Center, 设计思维倡议, Wurtele领导力中心, 以及综合和反思实践.”

A diagram explaining the relationship between the Wurtele Center, 设计思维计划, 以及康威中心.