

IMX是为那些在实践中学习的学生准备的. Concentrators explore making as a way to understand their disciplinary studies and reimagine their work in broader contexts. IMX提供了一个机会去质疑制作的类型, 并且一直, 被谁看重,为什么看重. Concentrators learn to actualize ideas and both advance and diversify the culture of making at Smith and beyond. IMX的学生学会批判性地理解人造世界的影响, 挑战制作的定义, 示范跨学科的行动, 以及如何最好地利用校园里的许多机会.



了解更多关于机会的信息 设计思维倡议.

需求 & 课程



  • 作为制造者浏览资源并排除故障

  • 创新地推动工具/技术和材料

  • 迭代地实现和推进想法

  • 批判 & 将制作和制作的影响置于背景中 

  • 阐述他们作为跨学科创造者的旅程



This course is a series of workshops that situate particular making techniques that take place in Smith’s many “makerspaces” within social, 经济, 生态, 历史文化背景. 学生将他们的制作实践与他们的文科教育联系起来. This course also serves to introduce students to the faculty and staff who facilitate making at the many different making spaces across the college. S / U只. 报名人数限18人.



本课程适用于已完成课程的学生 132国内流离失所者 或者另一个澳门葡京博彩软件的经历,允许对课程和经验工作的反思, 价值观和目标. 学生开始向外看. 在回顾和评估重要的学习经验之后, students conduct qualitative interviews to gain a multidimensional understanding of their discipline in the world. 学生们同时创建一个“个人教学大纲”,这是对保持和追求好奇心的反思. 最后, 他们制作一个叙事数字作品集,并通过专栏获得公众声音的经验, TED演讲或其他媒体. S / U只. 先决条件: 132国内流离失所者. 报名人数限12人.



This interdisciplinary project-based course emphasizes human-centered design process as well as critical social theory on the relationships between humans and designed things. 通过实践, 个人与合作制作, 学生学习设计思维技能,如用户体验研究, 快速创意生成技术, 原型和迭代实现. This learning happens alongside rich class discussions of both seminal and contemporary scholarly work on design’s role in shaping the lived experience. 视角包括考古学, 重要的心理学, 土木工程, 后殖民研究, 认知科学, 社会学和艺术史. 报名人数限15人. 需要教练许可.



  1. 网关: 111国内流离失所者
  2. Four electives (16 credits) from any Five College department or program that addresses the themes and concerns of IMX and are approved by the Interdisciplinary Making 咨询委员会. We encourage concentrators to explore electives from two or more divisions and choose courses that span disciplines. 如果课程属于同一系, 学生需要演示制作的形式在技术上是如何变化的, 形式和/或材料. 我们通常只允许专注者从他们的专业中计算一门课程. 入学后至少选修两门课程.

  3. 两次与制作相关的实际经历或实习
  4. 顶点经验将包括两门课程(5学分): 

    1. 316国内流离失所者: Critical 设计思考 Studio

    2. 232国内流离失所者: 艺术iculating Your Path where students will create a digital portfolio showcasing their experience as an Interdisciplinary Maker


Through advising and support and guidance from campus resources such as the Lazarus Center and Jandon Center, 学员将选择和发展两个实习项目. 每次实习需要120-220小时的工作时间, 在一个学期内完成, over intertem or during the summer—this is modeled after the 实践 guidelines and the hours a student is permitted for work study per week. 有学分的选修课也不能算作实习.

学生可以利用各种资助的机会来获得实践经验,包括, 但不限于; 实践、工作研究、STRIDE研究、AEMES研究、专项研究等 协作的领导 & 设计浸. 另外 students might pursue immersive specialized learning programs such as 工艺学校 or an apprenticeship with a master maker. The practicums will be evaluated through a discussion between the student and their adviser and relevant staff mentors. IMX students prepare for this with a proposal and will use the 实践 reflection form that 浓度s across the college have adopted for post practicum evaluation. 另外, students will be required to visually capture and document processes and outcomes from their practical experiences to build towards their culminating portfolio. 学生 and their advisors may also choose to develop additional methods of evaluation that specifically address the practicum topics.



DP 111:跨学科制作入门 (2学分)
This course is a series of workshops that situate particular making techniques that take place in Smith’s many “makerspaces” within social, 经济, 生态, 历史, 以及文化背景. 学生将把他们的制作实践与他们的文科教育联系起来. This course will also serve to introduce students to the faculty and staff who facilitate making at the many different making spaces across the college. S / U只. 报名人数限21人.


我们感兴趣的是学生在特定领域内的工作是如何被改变的, 通知, 或者通过制作. 因此, concentrators must choose four courses from among the many courses offered within the Five Colleges that are connected in some way to the culture (theory and/or practice) of making, 并推进一个或多个IMX学习目标.

We encourage concentrators to explore electives from two or more divisions and choose courses that span disciplines. Concentrators are typically allowed to count only one course from their major towards their concentration. 如选修课程属同一系, 学生必须演示制作的形式在技术上是如何变化的, form, 和/或物质. 为了确保学生有理论和实践的介绍, 我们希望在进入集中后至少选修两门课程.

作为一个制造者,通过实验来解决问题, 承担风险, 从失败中学习, 还有调查性的创造力

  • 生物分子工程中的实验设计
  • SDS/CSC 109:与数据通信
  • LSS 260:视觉叙事:图形,数据和设计
  • IDP 325:艺术/数学工作室
  • IDP 116:设计思维导论
  • DAN 553:编排和设计

批判 & 将制作对社会的影响置于背景中, 经济, 生态, 历史, 以及文化背景

  • 生物生物学106:植物经济学:植物与人
  • FYS 155:住房/正义和小房子的梦想
  • GEO 150:绘制我们的世界:地理信息系统导论
  • PYX 140:诗歌的艺术与商业
  • SWG 150:妇女与性别研究概论
  • ENV 312:可持续解决方案

迭代实现 & 之前的想法

  • 生物分子工程中的实验设计
  • SDS/CSC 109:与数据通信
  • EGR 422D:设计诊所
  • 艺术ARS 280:介绍建筑设计工作室
  • GER 200:中级德语:德语环境

通过识别和负责任地使用正确的工具来导航资源, 技术, 和/或材料

  • EGR 100:面向所有人的工程
  • EGR 377:研讨会:飞行器设计
  • 第252课:场景设计导论
  • ARS 172:工作室艺术基础
  • fms280:介绍视频制作

Contextualize their journey as a liberal arts maker by experiencing interdisciplinary connections with making

  • EAL 235:帝制晚期中国的阶级、性别与物质文化
  • LSS 245:地点框架:摄影在景观研究中的方法
  • PHI 204:哲学与设计
  • ARS 275:书:理论 & 实践
  • IDP 291:反思国际经验:用数字故事描述旅程
  • PSY 227:大脑,行为和情感
  • HST 270:美国历史主题——对奴隶起义的剖析

The 顶石 experience will take advantage of two existing course offerings: 316国内流离失所者 Critical 设计思考 Studio where students will actualize a project, 作为一个顶点工作室, 和232国内流离失所者的一部分阐明你的路径(AYP). IMX students may also work with their advisor to propose an alternative to 316国内流离失所者 as part of their capstone experience. 要求参加idp232: AYP将允许浓缩者, 不管他们完成了什么顶点体验, to thoughtfully engage as a cohort in the synthesis of their experience as a liberal arts maker and to produce a portfolio capturing that journey.

  • 232国内流离失所者:阐明你的道路 (1)
    本课程适用于已完成课程的学生 IDP 132 或者另一个澳门葡京博彩软件的经历,允许对课程和经验工作的反思, 价值观和目标. 学生开始向外看. 在回顾和评估重要的学习经验之后, students conduct qualitative interviews to gain a multidimensional understanding of their discipline in the world. 学生们同时创建一个“个人教学大纲”,这是对保持和追求好奇心的反思. 最后, 他们制作一个叙事数字作品集,并通过专栏获得公众声音的经验, TED演讲或其他媒体. S / U只. 先决条件:IDP 132. 报名人数限12人.


  • 316国内流离失所者:[关键]设计思维工作室 (4学分)
    This interdisciplinary project-based course emphasizes human-centered design process as well as critical social theory on the relationships between humans and designed things. 通过实践, 个人与合作制作, 学生学习设计思维技能,如用户体验研究, 快速创意生成技术, 原型和迭代实现. This learning happens alongside rich class discussions of both seminal and contemporary scholarly work on design’s role in shaping the lived experience. 视角包括考古学, 重要的心理学, 土木工程, 后殖民研究, 认知科学, 社会学和艺术史. 报名人数限15人. 需要教练许可.














学生 who have been accepted into the concentration and received their adviser’s name need to fill out the 
→ 学习计划声明表. 


在与他们的顾问讨论了建议的实践经验之后, students need to fill out the corresponding practical experience approval form in order to have the experience count towards the concentration requirements:

  • 暑期实习(100学时以上)→ 实习学分申请 
    All students undertaking a summer internship of at least 100 hours are eligible to receive academic credit (0.每个经验值25个学分)将出现在他们的成绩单上. 我们鼓励所有有资格申请实习学分的学生. 申请实践资助的学生不需要填写此表格, 并应使用下面的“实践与信用”表格.
  • 无薪暑期实习(220小时及以上)→ 信用申请实务 
    All Smith students are eligible to receive a stipend payment for one normally unpaid internship through the 实践 program at the Lazarus Center. 这些实习必须在夏季进行,并且必须包括至少220个工作小时. 集中课程的学生有资格第二次申请实践课程——实践 Plus. 在申请实习时, the applicant must specify if the internship counts towards a concentration and should fill out the “实践 with Credit” application.
  • 其他实习和实践经历 
    因在期中实习而不符合上述条件的学生, 在学年期间, 或者其他原因, 应该填写以下表格吗. 
    实习开始前,请先填写 → 实践经验批准表格. 
    实习经验完成后,请填写  实践经验填写表格.
  • 可追溯的经验积分 
    学生 who completed a practical experience relevant to the concentration prior to being accepted into the cohort should discuss the experience with their concentration adviser as soon as possible. 一旦体验被批准,学生必须填写  实践经验填写表格 并勾选表单上的“回溯体验”复选框.


学生 are required to submit a completed 浓度 Advising Checklist at the start of their final semester. 此表格记录了浓度要求的完整组成部分, 并且必须由学生的注意力指导老师签名. 填妥的表格须送交注册主任办事处(registrar@emotionsamsara.com)和行政协调人(concentrations@emotionsamsara.com).



下一个申请截止日期是 2024年10月16日.

鼓励二年级学生,三年级学生和Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件 应用.

